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Quand des photographes s’associent pour montrer le vrai visage de la Chine via Instagram

Pour seulement un homme, mettre en image un pays aussi dense et énergique que la Chine est mission impossible. En partant de ce principe, un photographe a décidé de réunir locaux et étrangers pour dévoiler ce pays, et ce, sous toutes les coutures.

Morning Guangzhou! Two men were fishing in the pond of Xian Village which is in the center of Guangzhou city. There was a conflict between locals and real estate developers for more than 7 years because of the uneven compensation and the corruption of Xian village leaders. Xian village is an epitome of China's urbanization. 早安,广州! 两位村民正在广州冼村里的池塘里捕鱼。冼村位于广州市中心CBD,因为村领导的腐败问题和拆迁价格的不确定,当地村民和房地产商已经争执了超过7年时间。冼村的改造是中国城市化的一个缩影。 Photo by @yuyang_liu_ @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography #migrantworkers #urbanization

Une photo publiée par eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) le


Depuis le mois de juin, @eyesonchinaproject sur Instagram réunit en son sein photojournalistes et photographes documentaires qui vivent et travaillent en Chine. L’objectif principal du projet est de créer une vue diversifiée, dynamique et objective du pays le plus peuplé au monde au travers d’images et de récits de photographes chinois et étrangers. Kevin Frayer, créateur du projet, laisse désormais carte blanche aux 19 contributeurs réguliers qui alimentent le compte et de nouveaux photographes devraient bientôt grossir les rangs de @eyesonchinaproject. Voici un projet qui vise à montrer le véritable visage de ce pays et qui résonne d’autant plus alors que la politique locale est à la censure.

A woman smokes a cigarette in a bar. China's capital seeks to snuff indoor smoking on june 1st with a new ban And unprecedented fines. 一位在酒吧吸烟的女人。 六月一日起,首都北京出台条令开始试点室内禁烟,违者将首次面临罚款 Photo : Fred Dufour / AFP @freddufour_afp @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography #leica #leicaphoto #afp #afpphoto

Une photo publiée par eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) le

Xiamen, China. A waitress making preparations for dinner in a restaurant in the Shapowei neighborhood. The area has recently been transforming from a gritty fishing port into a gentrified mixture of new (hip coffee shops, design stores, art galleries) and old (fish markets, crumbling apartments, and traditional seafood restaurants that remain plenty popular)". 中国,厦门。一位女服务生正在沙坡尾附近的餐馆里准备晚餐。 这片区域最近由一个老旧渔港,被改造成了一个充满情调的地方,混合了新风景(时髦的咖啡馆,充满设计感的店,艺术展馆)和旧气息(鱼市,老旧公寓建筑,以及一些至今还很受欢迎的传统海鲜餐厅). (Photo by Martina Albertazzi @martinaalbertazzi) @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography

Une photo publiée par eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) le

Zhuo-Lu, an ancient battlefield, sits on the battlefield where the Yellow Emperor overcame Chi-You warload over 5,000 years ago. Recently a tremendous monument was built in Zhuo-Lu for developing both patriotism and tourism. Zhuo-Lu is a county that is administered by the city of Zhang Jia Kou, which is a candidate city for the 2022 Winter Olympics. 涿鹿縣是黃帝擊敗蚩尤的古戰場,發生在距今5000年前。近年出現一座巨大的雕塑紀念這一事件,促进旅游业也被用於宣傳愛國主義。涿鹿現屬張家口市,張家口是2022年冬季奧運會候選城市之一。 photo by Liu Bowen @lbwsmail @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography

Une photo publiée par eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) le

Beijing,China- Chinese children wear masks as they play in the park on a hazy morning. Though air quality in China's capital has slowly started to improve but average readings are often still considered dangerous by the World Health Organization. 中国北京的早晨,孩子们戴着口罩在雾霾下的公园里玩耍。 尽管首都北京的空气质量正在逐步改善,但平均污染指数仍被世界卫生组织视为危险。 (Photo by Kevin Frayer @kevinfrayer) @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography #environment #health #pollution

Une photo publiée par eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) le

Beijing, China- A man warms up before jumping in the ice cold water during a winter afternoon in Yuyuantan Park, western Beijing. In the park there's a cement beach where people meet to swim and play cards all year around. (Photo by Martina Albertazzi @martinaalbertazzi). – 严冬下的北京玉渊潭公园里,面对一潭冰冷的湖水,一个男人正在为冬泳热身。在这片水泥砌成的“沙滩”上,许多人常年在这里聚会下棋或者游泳。 @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography

Une photo publiée par eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) le

A team of policemen are taking group photo in front of the People's Heroes Monument In a common haze day of Beijing's winter. Air pollution is one of many increasingly heavy costs of economic development in China.一队警察在一个冬季雾霾天在人民英雄纪念碑前拍合影。空气污染是经济发展造成的日益严重的代价之一。photo by Liu Bowen @lbwsmail @eyesonchinaproject is a new @instagram collaboration of photojournalists and documentary photographers living and working in mainland China. The primary goal of the project is to create a diverse, dynamic and objective view of the world’s most populated country through the images and storytelling of both Chinese and foreign photographers. The work of each contributor is self-curated and presented the way they would like you to see it. All images are copyright of the photographer. @eyesonchinaproject 是@Instagram 上的一个全新的集体纪实项目。在中国生活、工作的一群中外摄影师将竭力以多样、生动、客观的图片讲述中国的故事。 每一组作品都由摄影师自己挑选编排。图片版权为摄影师所有。 #China #Asia #photojournalism #photography #airpollution #tiananmensquare

Une photo publiée par eyesonchinaproject (@eyesonchinaproject) le


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